Below are two web addresses that belong to Congregation Shomray Hadath. The first is our newly designed internet Web site. Please take your time and click all the items on the side bar. We are currently working on more items for the side bar but we wanted to get this out there so you could enjoy all the work up to this point.. We hope to add more pictures and special event planning and a calendar.
If you have a Misheberach Request please fill out the form on the web page and we will be sure to act upon your request as soon as possible. When you tab the item HISTORY, at the bottom you will find an attachment which says OUR CONSTITUTION.
The other web site is our blog. Please look that over as well and if you would care to comment on our web page or any topic you desire please do so on our BLOG. Remember a BLOG is just like an email only it can be viewed by all.
Website address:
Weblog (short name Blog) address:
President David Siskin